The Cashare statistics

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Icon Money in the head

Number of members


Icon Money Grows

Financed loan projects


Icon Piggy Bank

Largest loan


Hourglass icon

Total loan requests


Cashare started an alternative lending scheme in 2008 without involving a bank. The focus is on simple and secure financing under optimal conditions for all parties.


As a crowdlending pioneer, Cashare has the largest active “crowd” in Switzerland, which has financed the highest number of P2P loans to date and continues to grow strongly. The direction is clearly pointing upwards – in every respect!

Crowdlending has become the only genuine solution for many people and companies. Banks are hardly interested in the granting of smaller loans and are offering increasingly unattractive interest rates compared to the ambitious fintech sector to which Cashare belongs. The possibilities of crowdlending are and will remain impressive.

You can use the following key figures to identify the positive trend that more and more investors and borrowers are following.

Credit projects according to purpose

Number of members and funded credit projects

Distribution according to rating

Total requested credit volume