Crowdlending bietet eine gute Alternative zum herkömmlichen Bankkredit!

Ja, Crowdlending bietet eine gute Alternative zum herkömmlichen Bankkredit! Warum das so ist und warum Sie Crowdlending ausprobieren sollten, das erfahren Sie im folgenden Blog.

How to get a loan
1. Apply online
2. Nach bestandener Bonitätsprüfung Kampagne aufschalten
3. Receive the loan and repay monthly

Benefits for borrowers:

  • Fast and simple loans without need of a bank
    The application for the loan can be done online and very quickly. Once the required documents are available, the loan request can be rated in a short time and the application can be approved for financing.
  • Fair interest rates
    he borrower himself can determine the maximum interest rates that he is willing and able to pay. The attractivity of the interest rates, depends on the personal credit standing.
  • Full control of costs
    All costs are already visible transparently by processing the application.
  • Early repayment for free
    The loan can be repaid early at any time, without additional fees.

How to invest money
1. Register as investor
2. Select loan project
3. Start investing

Benefits for investors:

  • Profit from rates of return
    By lending to Swiss SMEs or private citizen of Switzerland, the investors can benefit from returns. Especially in the environment of low interest rates, loans are building profitable enrichments and interesting alternative investments in any portfolio. Depending on the willingness to take risks, the loans can be estimated, based on the individual creditworthiness. To relieve high risks, it is recommendable to invest the amount in many different loan projects (diversification).
  • Self-determination
    The investors themselves determine which projects they want to support with theirs loans. In case of SME loans, each investor knows exactly in what kind of company or project the amount will be invested.
  • Transparency
    The rules of Crowdlending are quite simple and clear. The borrower gets a direct loan and profits from fair conditions. On most of the platforms, all the costs are visible.


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As a borrower – click here to ask for a loan.

As an investor – click here to register now.

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