Crowdinvesting – Gemeinsam sind wir stark!

In 2008, we founded Cashare, bringing crowdlending to Switzerland and pioneering the disruptive fintech scene.

In the meantime, we have over 45,000 registered users on the platform, brokered more than 3,000 loans and processed a requested loan volume of over one and a half billion professionally and digitally. With over CHF 150 million in loans brokered, based on state-of-the-art scoring technologies and processes, our company continues to grow. The Cashare team is continuously expanding and we last expanded our office space for this purpose in 2020. Now we want to give our customers the opportunity to benefit from this growth and have you on board.

Crowdinvesting gives you the exclusive opportunity to invest directly in our company.

How does it work?
You can purchase participation certificates (non-voting shares) on our platform until 30.11.2021 and thus become an investor in Cashare. As we grow, your shares grow with us.

Only customers who are registered with us can participate in this exclusive crowdinvesting campaign. If this is not yet the case, you can easily register and personally identify yourself via this link. Existing users only need to log in.

Under "My Cashare" you will find the Crowdinvesting section in the menu on the left. On this page you can easily enter the desired number of participation certificates. An investment is already possible with CHF 350.- and may amount to a maximum of CHF 100'000.-. By clicking on the confirmation button, the subscription form with your data will be created directly, which you can print out, sign and send to us by e-mail or post. We will take care of everything else and as soon as you have received the confirmation, you are an official investor of Cashare.

How do you receive the participation certificates?
The participation certificates are registered electronically in Cashare's shareholder register. With your personal login to this register, you have an overview of and access to your digital participation certificates at any time. In the future, you will also receive all relevant information as a shareholder of Cashare via this system.

Why do we do crowdinvesting?
Without you - our crowd - we would not be where we are today.
You are part of the Cashare foundation. We are very proud of our Crowd, which is certainly by far one of the most active and loyal community in crowdlending in Switzerland. We enable everyone to participate and benefit from our company.

Now it's time to climb another milestone together. One of many more, because we want to reach much higher. Together with you!

You can find detailed information on our crowdfunding information page in your personal "My Cashare". Of course, if you have any questions, our support team is ready to help you at +41 41 558 48 88 or by email at

Let's achieve even more together! We look forward to many more valued co-owners.

Your Cashare Team!